

ValstsAmerikas Savienotās Valstis
PilsētaSalt Lake
Horoskopa zīmeJaunava
Seksuālā orientācijaHomoseksuāls(-a)
Iepazīšos ar - vīrieti
Vecumā no: 25 līdz 50 gadiem
Iepazīšanās mērķis: Pastāvīgas, nopietnas attiecības/laulība.
Valodas - Aš kalbu lietuviškai
- I speak English
- Я говорю по-русски
Vairāk par mani
Life is full of opportunities and in this world of possibilities I know that in every situation, I am at choice. No one can ever say you don’t have one. I know who I am and why I am here. As I live I’ve noticed how separate I am from the drama and the walls that keep others entraped in the world they create. I am unconditionally loving and honest, I honor all who choose to live at that level and higher. At the same time I know I don’t accept anything less. I keep my word because it’s how others can trust me. I create relationships that are based on trust, honesty and love. Also that any person I meet knows the value of looking at life with open eyes and an open heart.

Viskas anglu kalba. O trumpiau lietuviskai butu taip, ieskau draugo ilgalaikei draugystei. Buk nuosirdus, zinok ka reiskia zodziai meile, nuosirdumas, istikimybe . Jeugu tu vienas is tu atsiusk zinute.
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