

Horoskopa zīmeMežāzis
Seksuālā orientācijaHomoseksuāls(-a)
Iepazīšos ar - sievieti
Vecumā no: 32 līdz 42 gadiem
Iepazīšanās mērķis: Pastāvīgas, nopietnas attiecības/laulība.
Valodas - Es runāju latviski
- I speak English
Vairāk par mani
• Selfsufficiant & strong minded
• Love my work & my dog
• I am the type of person who will text you late at night and asks to join for a drive - visit new places, go for walks and talks
• I am not looking for anything specific "long term" or "short term" it doesnt matter - as long as there is respect and honesty I am open for anything
• Please if you are here just to have sex with someone - I am NOT that person.
• Couples looking for 3rd person in their bedroom - I am NOT that person

•I am NOT going to answer to anyone without profile picture!
Kas te notiek?
equinox | 12.12.2023. - 09:01:31
izmainīja profila tekstu
•🏳️‍🌈 • Selfsufficiant & strong minded • Love my work & my dog • I am the type of person who will text you late ...
equinox | 10.12.2023. - 13:25:10
pievienoja galveno fotogrāfiju:
equinox | 18.11.2023. - 04:49:54
reģistrējās portālā
Sieviete (39)
Rīga, Latvija
Rādīt vairāk
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