2016.09.12. - 22:56:09
Savukārt jūras putas, lai cik tas briesmīgi arī nebūtu, radās no Urāna locekļa, kuru viņam nogrieza viņa dēls Krons un iemeta jūrā. Šis moments ir aprakstīts Hesioda Teogonijā:
His son reached out from ambush
with his left hand, and in his right he held the sickle,
long and serrated and the genitals of his father
he quickly reaped and threw them behind his back
to be carried away. ...
As soon as Kronos lopped off the genitals
with the sickle, they fell from the mainland into the much-surging sea,
so that the sea carried them for a long time. Around them a white
foam from the immortal skin began to arise. In it, a maiden
was nurtured. First, she drew near holy Kythera,
and from there she arrived at Kypros surrounded by water.
From within, a majestic and beautiful goddess stepped, and
all around grass grew beneath her slender feet. Aphrodite...
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