
New in Riga as erasmus student

zilsjulijs | 15.09.2014. - 23:24:09 | Diskusija lasīta 8543 reizes

Hey there! Since I can’t understand the topics of the other threads, because I am not able yet to speak latvian or russian, I thought about making an own thread.

I am here in Riga since three weeks and will stay as an erasmus student at least for one semester. I knew of course before coming here that there are other countries and cities where you can easier find a gay scene. But I wanted to go to Riga, so I’m here. And now I begin feeling alone... I’m not outed here because I fear to lose the only few latvian people I have right now and I feel pretty unsure outing without knowing that there are people who support you.
And perhaps you’re laughing right now, because I wrote in my profile that I’m bisexuell ("why she doesn’t try to get men then?" , but it’s not such an easy thing for me like that, these many beautiful latvian women here really drive me crazy...

Ooookay you see I am used to talk a lot So I really would like to here from you where one can go for partying (I only found this "Golden Club" - is it 10€ entrance fee worth?) and how it is to be not heterosexuell in Latvia/Riga.
Atbildes (42)
raibalja | 15.09.2014. - 23:28:36

If I was you, I would ride a white pony to the Goldenbar. 

(and if you pay by card, it’s not 10 EUR, but 4 or smth). 

Have fun!
fighter | 15.09.2014. - 23:32:19

Beautiful Latvian women what are you doing with this girl    
torpedaspapedis | 15.09.2014. - 23:40:37

So at first if we talk about Golden Club entrance(than it’s much cheaper-3.95)if  you would buy in site of them(http:// usually every monday there are mentioned(what’s gona be in weekend-friday, saturday)and than you should click on (GO)(choise english language top of site in right corner))you will see that and than write all your bank details including e-mail(as they gona send you password(of evening event)which you advisable(need to save in phone as sms)or you can make a photo with phone(as I doing this way)when you opened e-mail with password.
And secondly we are usually not showing our sexuallity so in streets you are just the same person as rest of people around you.We don’t have any small gay caffe’s(like in rest old Europa), we do have two gay clubs(one more for men)-XXL naimed and second one(is goldenbar)-which I suggest you more to visit(if friday there are sometimes full of, but sometimes 50/50.More gay anyways but some girls are there too.
By far that’s enough for this evening, I hope it helps you a bit.And have a nice time in Riga, latvians are not so opened at first, but when they get use to foreigner(they are very welcoming and nice persons).Trust me
brenna | 15.09.2014. - 23:53:05

first of all - Hey.Welcome to Latvia (: 
second - well, I don’t think you chose wisely, because in Latvia people are very close-minded about their sexuality and because we were part of Russia some time ago, a lot of people are very conservative about it. 
+ We are a very small country. 
We have only 2 gay bars/clubs - "Golden bar" & "XXL", the difference - 
In Golden you can meet all kind of people - straight, bi, homo, but no one will look at you weird if you will start to chat with someone. 
in XXL - i think mostly gay guys are going there, but I’ve been there only once, and it was years ago, so i don’t know. Just heard. 

Anyway - if you will stay in Latvia, you should register in - all latvians are there, + there are groups like "bisexual", etc., where you can join and see other people who are interested in the same as you. 
to register there, you need an invitation I can send to your e-mail adress. 
Although it will show you web page in english, discussions will be in latvian, but still, i guess, it’s a start.

I hope everything will work out for you here (:
vergslesbietem | 15.09.2014. - 23:57:09

zils jūlijs.
torpedaspapedis | 15.09.2014. - 23:59:42

blue july and as we all know(blue is the warmest colour) ofcurse title taken from movie.
Erasure - A Little Respect(midnight song for blue persons).
vergslesbietem | 16.09.2014. - 00:08:48

blue is the warmest colour(c)

bez komentāriem.
nekasaspratigs | 16.09.2014. - 00:38:40

I wouldn’t really bother going to XXL though, it feels more like a brothel instead of a club, at least not the first place I would think of if somebody asked me to list places that have "relaxed, fun atmosphere". But if you want to earn some culture shock, it’s a very advisable place to go. Maybe some people do like that place, but these are just my two cents anyway. Anyways, enjoy your stay!
canyon | 16.09.2014. - 12:50:58

I’m not outed here because I fear to lose the only few latvian people I have right now and I feel pretty unsure outing without knowing that there are people who support you. 

Lemme give you a clue. Nobody really cares if you’re bi or gay. Yeah, Latvians are not very open, warm, upfront etc., but deep down we’re normal people, like everyone else. When I was younger I too thought that being gay is a big deal, but now that I’ve told my friends and family, I realized that nobody actually thinks much of it (except the very old, very religious and very stupid).
zilsjulijs | 16.09.2014. - 18:04:55

Hello everyone!
I’m really happy to read all your messages. First of all, no, I really didn’t thought about the movie "blue is a warm colour", because I haven’t seen it yet (I will).
Okay, sounds that this Goldenbar is a good place to go. If someone wants to accompany me somedays, write! ;P 
Hmm, and I saw people in the streets holding hand, people in the club kissing really hot, so I wouldn’t sign that you latvians don’t show your sexuality a lot. I can’t see a big difference to Germany yet. It would be really great, if latvian people are so ’careless’ about that all. But when I spoke with the few latvians I know more than from a drunken evening it sounded really more homophobic. Like "psst, don’t say the word ’gay’ loudly" and so on. And these are all modern, young persons. But you let me hope that they got it only wrong or something like that, thanks! (:
@brenna: Sounds good! I send you a private message

But, next question: Where do you get to know then new people? I mean it’s really improbably to find gay people through accident, or isn’t it? Okay, so through this site, but there should be more, or?
torpedaspapedis | 16.09.2014. - 18:39:52

Hmm, and I saw people in the streets holding hand, people in the club kissing really hot, so I wouldn’t sign that you latvians don’t show your sexuality a lot. I can’t see a big difference to Germany yet.

Really you saw gay persons?or they was straight, if they was straight it’s not surprising at all, straights are everywhere the same(and noone cares about them at all).
And I can’t believe there is not huge difference than in German(which is old Europa)and much steps ahead in everything including homosexuality culture.
sammija | 16.09.2014. - 19:28:16

Yup, those couples You have seen must have been straight. I have only seen lesbians holding hands openly a couple of times and they were tourists (judging by their appearances and behavior).
torpedaspapedis | 16.09.2014. - 20:00:46

In homeland I never felt that I need to show my orientation(because there was few times, when I decide why not)and attention from people around me, was annoying.So I used to, there I’m like straight(exceptation is goldenbar)and when I’m outside of Latvia(there have even heard comments about how it suits each other), than I feel more comfortable with my orientation, because in times(where I was not alone), there was couple of times when I felt a bit sad, about it.So I absolutely disagree about you can feel free there and show orientation(actually you can show, but then you need use to, there will be some comments about that).Just go next as friends, like that there is.
p.s:But even outside people feel more comfortable if your orientation is straight(I mean it), sometimes if they get to know of orientation they stay different, like more cold in contact(not rude), but just alienated.I been situations like that(so I write about my real experience).
So in work places I preferable chose not to say(maybe only situations like, I’m sure they will act after that normal, without(stupid comments which they usually start to talk), exception was in previous summer, when I get to know the work place owner was gay by himself(it’s about outside of Latvia).
zilsjulijs | 16.09.2014. - 23:27:12

Oh sorry, it seems that I can’t express myself good enough. You have to believe me that I’m better while german speaking!

When I said I saw people holding hands and kissing and so on, I meant straight couples. It was an example that I don’t agree that people in Latvia (or probably better: Riga) don’t show their sexuality so much. And I never saw people where I could recognize that this is a homo couple. So the comparison to Germany was also about showing sexuality: More than holding hands and kissing we also not do in public (; But yes, in Germany the people are more open-minded about that. But there are also a lot of people who don’t out themselves, and you can have a lot of problems. And I never saw many obvious gays (couples), perhaps only in Berlin. Yeah, but the atmosphere there is another one, I guess.

I read about the euro pride in Latvia a little bit, and I read also about the problems with the last prides here, so I really wonder about that! Is it planned to shock these anti-people with that? Are more people against or for the euro pride here in Latvia?

And hey! That’s not fair, sub-discussions which I can’t follow Google translator helped me, so you see, you can’t have secrets at these times anymore.

Also PS: Yees I know what my nickname means! I only wanted to say that it’s not inspired by the movie. (:
sammija | 16.09.2014. - 23:31:08

Never seen openly gay people in Berlin either (not that I was very looking for them, lol), but last time I was in Vienna I spotted at least two male gay couples (middle-aged men, holding hands and dressed with that flamboyant touch which only gay dudes attempt to pull off). Maybe Austria is a bit more open-minded than Germany?
zilsjulijs | 16.09.2014. - 23:55:14

Hm, in Berlin it depends a lot where you are exactly, so perhaps that’s why.
Nooo I don’t think so, no no. Austria is really old-fashioned normally! Okay, but I don’t know a lot about Austria. Middle-aged men are interesting, in Germany nearly every recognizable couple is max. 25 years old. But perhaps also because 35 years old people don’t holding hands most of the time...

Oh, I am really happy about everyone who tries to communicate with me and is so nice to use another language for that! Really thank you ) I don’t like english and I have problems to express myself in the way I want, so I really can understand everyone who has problems with english, too... And it’s really interesting what you are telling about atmosphere in Latvia.
sammija | 17.09.2014. - 00:03:55

Well, to sum it up - Latvia is a nice place for spending vacation or a semester or two . But every time when coming back from work assignments abroad, I can instantly sense - this is not the Western Europe, quite far from that.
torpedaspapedis | 17.09.2014. - 00:10:30

I want to communicate because it’s chanse to practice in english writing which I desperately needed for sure.
Because after a while some words like disappears  and you need to practice all the time(to stay even in the same level as I find english books not to excited to read, because I want to feel comfortable in my reading evenings so I prefere native language books but exceptation are movies(but usually if I download from torrent movie which I never seen before)I would like that movie with subtitles, but usually I find out there is not subtiles so only option is just listen movie in talk but much better is with words and with subtitles(you can always click a stop in every moment and write a words which you don’t known previous and translate latter, that why).
p.s:As my college(of orientation Brenna wrote previous, long time we was part of Russia(PSRS union)maybe you learned at history lessons, so I think that is reason why some people(more I would say in middle age)they are like homofobic(deep inside)because they don’t use to this kind of thing and they close themeselfes in understanding of that, just shut down open minds like doors.But with younger people it depends of how they open minded to life at all, but in nowadays are much better, than it was nine years ago when was very first pride in Riga(in old part of city)and best part of Riga in my opinion. 
We don’t need to be english grammar heroes, we just need to become better step by step, day by day(I would call this journey-baby steps)
raibalja | 17.09.2014. - 00:22:13

sammija | 17.09.2014. - 00:29:04

Speaking about getting better... Practice makes perfect. 
Well, sometimes, not
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