
Please help! Problems with the change of sex.

manjina | 22.02.2010. - 13:31:26 | Diskusija lasīta 4305 reizes

I live in Lithuania. I talk with psychologists. And, in short, I do not understand how to pass this way! Someone has already changed sex? I would be very nice to talk with someone who knows and wants to help ... I feel so bad ... I think about suicide every hour ... Help!
Atbildes (23)
leonora | 22.02.2010. - 14:08:31

Idy, sročno, k psihologu.
manjina | 22.02.2010. - 14:28:08

Chożu... Zawtra psychoterapia... Certyfikat nada by połuczic.
manjina | 22.02.2010. - 14:47:54

I need someone who is not too lazy to help with information and experiences.   
gotama | 22.02.2010. - 15:15:23

Just live your days without sex and sexlife problems will disappier.   
nouvelle | 22.02.2010. - 15:54:35

there’s a book in latvian Dace Zvirbule "Kad Ieva ir Ādams" ("When Ieva is Adam"). very interesting. 50/50 fiction/non-fiction.
stromata | 22.02.2010. - 16:23:18

I don’t want to sound rude, but if you have no idea how to really do this, you haven’t really looked around.

I have no idea if we have different discussion boards here like, one for Latvians, one for English etc, but you should find a person from Lithuania and discuss these things with him, at least he should know better then we will ever know. I have no idea what rules are in Lithuania, do they ever perform medical operations for people who want to become the other gender, if so, do you have to see a psychotherapist and who decides that you need this operation etc. And somehow your questions gives me a thought, that you’re actually asking us how to pass the psychotherapist consults ;D.
gotama | 22.02.2010. - 16:39:09

haha I made mistake,I think the author want to know about how to change sex life,but there about the sexsuality.
oomny | 22.02.2010. - 16:42:49

stranno - zhivesh v litve, no pishesh polskimi bukvami.
angelius | 22.02.2010. - 17:40:06

U wanna suicide?? Than do that!
U wanna change sex? Do that!

If u realy wanna change sex no only becauseu have bored to be man(or women),then go todoctors.. not just talking what u wanna to do,asking how to do..
manjina | 22.02.2010. - 20:48:30

Dear Ommny,
I’m Polish . Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła ...
Dear Stromata,
t is impossible in Lithuania (sex change operation). And it is very difficult to find someone who can help ...
I try ... Thank you for your feedback!

karina429 | 22.02.2010. - 23:31:21

don’t top yourself, no point, d’ya think the people/gods/saints in afterlife won’t be the exact same sort of wankers as people now?

and to do anything in the east you need LOTS of money, we are talking 10-15k, like. screw that. emigration looks way more hopeful.

but as for the tech info - youre kindly welcome to it, obv not publicly.

i have no info on the process in the east though, except for the one time when i got locked up in the asylum behind iron bars by the fucking charlatans - and missed a Cruxshadows gig. have not forgiven that. Cruxshadows is a great band and i still haven’t seen them live since. bastards&bitches, someone kill them please. And while you’re at it Ayria and Suicide Commando are coolness too.

keda-alien | 23.02.2010. - 01:40:08

I think the same that you first have to move to another country if possible.

I have a trans friend and she got her hormones and stuff for free.
angelius | 23.02.2010. - 14:09:35

Better,go to psyholog-hipnotizer,who practise looking in past lifes and life in spirit world. Something like Michael Newton in his book "Journey of Souls" when he helps their patients find problem clue. In your case- why u cant stand your gender what you have now
keda-alien | 23.02.2010. - 22:50:01

angelius youre very transfobic , it wont help. What you said is total bulshit
Imagine how "happy" you would be living in a girls body .
I think surgary is the best way to deal with that
Maybe you should go to that psyholog-hipnotizer . In your case whay you are gay

stromata | 23.02.2010. - 22:57:08

finally someone! :)) keda, kā naglai uz galvas!
leonora | 23.02.2010. - 23:19:50

I have known, that Professor Victor Kalnbērzs changed gender,
sewn present Peniche, clitoris, breasts, vagina.
karina429 | 24.02.2010. - 14:23:51

winx @ Keda
in different and less diplomatic words than i would have used, but very true. K429 kinda finds you enlightened and deserving of lots of huggles

See, children, i totally don’t have time to discuss the merits and techniques of shamanic backtracking of the Fate thread/past lives - and the sources of the power to perform such an act. but in short, have some fucking empathy, i think it’s clear from the OP that the breakdown is pretty much getting the individual (sorry they didn’t specify which way, thats why ’individual’, not because of prejudice) in question. To use an analogy we could perform the ritual and find out the manufacturer and the year of issue of the weapon the bullet was fired from - but it’s much more important to stop the bleeding and save their life. there will be time for rituals afterwards.
angelius | 24.02.2010. - 14:39:00

keda-alien,i already know why i am gay!   

keda-alien | 24.02.2010. - 23:11:52

good for you  then .   that you know why you are gay doesnt change anything, youre still gay. and the person would still be trans so your suggestion was silly.
keda-alien | 24.02.2010. - 23:14:40

I have noticed that alot of gay people dont understand trans people and even hate them. thats strange.    
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