
Facebook Urgent Message no Baltic Pride 2009

justinetempest | 14.05.2009. - 02:32:25 | Diskusija lasīta 1758 reizes

URGENT MESSAGE - possible ban of the march!!!

To all guests of Baltic Pride 2009
13 May at 17:36

This is what just happened today - we got the news that tomorrow Riga city council wants to ban our march!

Last Friday the Riga City Council (RCC) Commission on meetings, marches and demonstrations and Mozaika agreed on the venue and all technical issues related to the march on Saturday. Members of this Commission are the executive director of the RCC, Andris Grīnbergs, representatives of the police and the city council. Yesterday 34 members (out of 60) of the RCC (politicians) sent a letter to Grinbergs giving him an ultimatum until tomorrow at 16.00 to reverse this agreement and prohibit the march on grounds of public morality, defence of traditional family values and marriage etc.
Today we met with Grinbergs and the police - they all understand that such a decision would be unlawful and do not intend to act upon it.
Grinbergs will call another Commission meeting tomorrow at 9.00, where we will also be present. He will inform us about the wishes of 34 deputies and ask whether we are willing to organise the march elsewhere - in the outskirts of Riga. We will decline to do this. Grinbergs will then inform the RCC that our agreement stands. RCC will then act upon this by overruling the agreement and put the issue to a vote. Since they have 34/60 votes there will be a prohibition to march.
Hopefully we will have the time to submit a complaint to the Administrative court already tomorrow - but, if not, Friday morning, hoping that the court will take our case immediately. Most likely we will win the case already in first instance, which means that we can march on Saturday. However, there is a risk that the court will only give us a time on Monday, which would mean that we cannot have a march on Saturday. We will discuss alternative plans tonight and get back to you about this. We will also consider the possibility of having the actual march next week - in case the court gives us a positive answer on Monday.
It is clear that this sudden outburst from the RCC is part of their election campaign - we have municipal elections in Latvia in June. They do not care about that their decision is unlawful or that they will lose the case in court - they just need to make a statement.
We therefore think that it could be more efficient turning to the Latvian government (the PM Valdis Dombrovskis comes from one of the more gay-friendly parties in Latvia) and to the President Valdis Zatlers asking them to react to this extremely embarrassing situation for Latvia. Imagine - Riga and Moscow, two cities prohibiting pride on Saturday...
We would urge for your support in sending e-mails to the Mayor Janis Birks (, the Prime minister and Pride minister’s office, and to the President, pointing out the obvious that such a decision by the RCC is not only unlawful and contradictory to any HR standars, but also makes Latvia look utterly ridiculous on the European scene.

We will keep you updated when we have more information! For now we prepare for the court and the meeting tomorrow morning!!!!
Atbildes (9)
melna-nelke | 14.05.2009. - 02:52:01

Vispaar shokeejoshi... Tikai nesaprotu, kaapeec Mozaiika sleepjas Facebook? Lai Latvijaa neko neizlasa? Vai mozh taa arii ir, ka Praids domaats tikai aarzemniekiem, ja jau informaacija ir tikai angliski un kaut kur taalaak no aborigeenu aciim?????
justinetempest | 14.05.2009. - 13:23:29

Kaapeec sleepjaas? Un tur pa pilnam LV tautas.
Esmu shokaa. Kaarteejais pazors Latvijai!
angelius | 14.05.2009. - 14:08:04

zini,ir citi portali kur cilveku ir daudz vairak..pat latviesu..
un tiesam,kadel ta info tiek nosutita tikai angliski???nmu ok,es jau visu saprotu,nav problema..
bet nu nemot vera,ka mozaika ir tadi cilveki kuri kritize ,ka nelieto pareizu latv,val,tad nu vaidzeja ari seit izteikties..
nu ok, vieglak jau ir uzreiz visiem nosutit vienu textu,viena valoda..

bet nu man tas tomer ir nedaudz aizskarosi,ka nenosut man valsts valoda!! ipasi,ja tas pasakums notiek LV..
tad kautvai vareja viena vestule but iztulkots vairakas valodas!!!
justinetempest | 14.05.2009. - 14:11:05

Anglju valoda ir internacionaalaa valoda. Un taapeec tas ir Baltic Pride, nevis LV !
angelius | 14.05.2009. - 14:20:52

tik un ta man ir tiesibas sanemt informaciju valsts valoda!!!!!
ja nezinaji..
justinetempest | 14.05.2009. - 14:40:45

ir TIESIIBAS intereseeties kas notiekaas apkaart, ne tikai Tava deguna gala priekshaa!
wonderland | 14.05.2009. - 14:44:41

justinetempest bano to govi kura te atnākusi piketēt pret praidu . izbijusi purva bāba ! apgūlusies te un dzied dimitera dziesmas    
swanheart | 14.05.2009. - 19:04:24

Klau, kā reiz par valodu šoreiz cepiens nevietā. Cilvēki cīnās, skraida pa domēm un tiesām... - varētu nepietikt laika pārtulkot vēl n-tajās valodās   
Tomēr facebookā starp pasākumā jā/nē/varbūt apmeklētājiem ir ļoti mazs % no LV, tas arī fakts    
justinetempest | 14.05.2009. - 20:09:45

nez, varbuut ne visi grib to publiskot ..
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