
Riga clubs still there?

aaah | 20.03.2009. - 09:45:28 | Diskusija lasīta 2191 reizes


I’m coming back to riga after a few months, and noticed that the web pages of Purvs, Best Boys and XXL are gone - are the clubs still open?

- a
Atbildes (11)
abusimbel | 20.03.2009. - 13:07:29

jautjums ir ļoti komplicec...
ainars | 20.03.2009. - 16:02:51

aah, Purvs and XXL are open (I don’t know the reason why their websites are closed).
I am not sure about Best Boys...
alder | 20.03.2009. - 23:34:15

Best Boys is closed!
oomny | 21.03.2009. - 04:07:26

varbūt kāds zin, kāpēc bb club nogāja uz grunti?
tiansli | 21.03.2009. - 09:10:29

Varbūt tāpēc ka Sants neiesvētīja ...    
alder | 21.03.2009. - 20:13:13

BBC nobankrotēja,jo nāca ļoti maz tautas.Reāli videji liela interese bija tikai pirmos menesus,pec tam sakas krize un... genoh!
myselfme | 22.03.2009. - 14:16:06

mājas lapu uzturesaana maksaa naudu un Purva lapa ar maajaslapas uztureeshanu nekad nav izceelusies;)
myselfme | 22.03.2009. - 14:16:58

pie tam - Purvam nekaada maajaslapa nav vajadziiga    gribi un ej - taapat viss skaidrs   
aaah | 06.04.2009. - 23:21:48

thanks guys, went to golden & xxl, had a good time, but thougt they were quieter than earlier..
alekss | 07.04.2009. - 09:59:40

abusimbel | 08.04.2009. - 20:58:50

thanks guys, gays and Gipsies
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