
New in Riga as erasmus student / 20

zilsjulijs | 15.09.2014. - 23:24:09 | Diskusija lasīta 8544 reizes

Hey there! Since I can’t understand the topics of the other threads, because I am not able yet to speak latvian or russian, I thought about making an own thread.

I am here in Riga since three weeks and will stay as an erasmus student at least for one semester. I knew of course before coming here that there are other countries and cities where you can easier find a gay scene. But I wanted to go to Riga, so I’m here. And now I begin feeling alone... I’m not outed here because I fear to lose the only few latvian people I have right now and I feel pretty unsure outing without knowing that there are people who support you.
And perhaps you’re laughing right now, because I wrote in my profile that I’m bisexuell ("why she doesn’t try to get men then?" , but it’s not such an easy thing for me like that, these many beautiful latvian women here really drive me crazy...

Ooookay you see I am used to talk a lot So I really would like to here from you where one can go for partying (I only found this "Golden Club" - is it 10€ entrance fee worth?) and how it is to be not heterosexuell in Latvia/Riga.
Atbildes (42)
torpedaspapedis | 17.09.2014. - 00:30:28

There is subtext?Or it feels so?Or hard sarcasm
sammija | 17.09.2014. - 00:33:25

Oh, please, dont even start it, ok?
torpedaspapedis | 17.09.2014. - 00:38:37

It’s not fair.If you are better, well okey, but say it without subtext.goodnight.
Last note in this discussion.
torpedaspapedis vawe goodbye!
torpedaspapedis | 17.09.2014. - 00:42:17

paprasīju, lai izdzēš, kad izlasīs, tad izdzēsīs.meh
sammija | 17.09.2014. - 00:43:35

First of all, I did not say that I am better. Secondly, being subtle and bitchy brings much more fun... And it quite curious that I should be telling You that... From what I have seen and read - You are quite good at both those skills already.
torpedaspapedis | 17.09.2014. - 00:48:15

Subtexts is my specialty so I understand everything enough clearly.If I told I don’t feel comfortable in english(I told that)than it’s just rude, simple rude without comments.I tried my best and even than.At least I tried and I was’t hide.Okey, fine, bye
English is like huge bloody steak, which you want to eat if you are hungry but you can’t because it’s too much for one stomach in one time.You eat a piece of it, than moment letter second one, than you getting tired of all this steak and you just leave that steak in plate.
sammija | 17.09.2014. - 00:49:48

And You always get the last word. Right.
torpedaspapedis | 17.09.2014. - 01:16:36

Boy George - The Crying Game
No George he come like shadow and last word by him.
raibalja | 17.09.2014. - 01:19:33

much peeple speaks London very good here, mi too.
zilsjulijs | 17.09.2014. - 01:49:59

I don’t understand what’s going on here! Don’t dispute in the middle of the night (best would be no dispute at all... )!

And @raibalja: If german guys would really looking like that I guess we wouldn’t have such a demographic problem, haha And that’s no german accent, is it?
zilsjulijs | 17.09.2014. - 01:52:53

And to be honest - I never saw this sort of glass before. Definitively need one!
torpedaspapedis | 17.09.2014. - 01:55:07

I’m latvian and we don’t keep calm(that’s what is going on)just quote which I read somehwere in labyrinths of facebook.bye I leaving this disscusion, good luck in finding best mates in Latvia for unforgettable time.
raibalja | 17.09.2014. - 02:07:50 product/...alus-zabaks

The shop is almost near my faculty, saw it once there

As to my comment above - no, it’s not :-)
13 | 17.09.2014. - 06:23:33

tas ir apbrīnojami, cik pielaizīgas un laipnas pēkšņi kļūst dāmas, kad ārzemju studentīte parādās pie horizonta.
fallen | 17.09.2014. - 06:53:58

V točku.
canyon | 17.09.2014. - 10:46:44

Torpēdas papēdis un Sammija - tradicionāls scenārijs. Satikās divi latvieši, un sāka sarunāties angliski.
sammija | 17.09.2014. - 11:00:37

Un... ?
torpedaspapedis | 17.09.2014. - 11:07:39

Nē nu tiešām un vēl vismaz mani māte audzinātāja tā, ka pret ciemiņiem jāizturas laipnāk, pret katru vietējo latvi, turklāt vēl internetā nenāk ne prātā!Un es izturos tā, kā pati, kad esmu izbraukusi ārpus LV vēlētos, tieši tā iemesla dēļ, jo esmu sveša citur un vairāk satraucos.
Tā kā, ja ievēroji starpību, tad jā starpība ir(jo pati zinu, kā ir padzīvot citur un cik diezgan grūti ir iejusties vietējā sabiedrībā, turklāt meitene ir vēl pavisam jauna-līdz ar to dubulti satraukta).
Jā un līdz ar to esmu laipnāka ko nenoliegšu.

p.s:and for blue july(it’s in between latvians talk as usually we don’t keep calm which I mentioned previous).Nothing really important that you should translate
zilsjulijs | 18.09.2014. - 12:34:35

So, to come back to the topic - have someone good tips for nice places in Riga? (: Or something I should definitively do here?
fallen | 18.09.2014. - 13:13:53

I’d suggest to go to Sigulda or Turaida in the end of September/beginning of October, but try to get some nice company, then it will be fun. Also if you are into arts or architecture there are some pretty cool places of wooden architecture to see. Can’t tell anything about social places.
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