polty / Step Outside...

Step Outside

Step Outside

Am I still your friend?

Follow just your heart

Give it me your hand

And make a step outside

That just a deal

And you must choose

Your native will

We must find your candle world

Where you can live, where you can work

Come on, be brave,

Cause you can make step

And go ahead

Ahead your life, ahead your dream

Ahead your past and memory

You feel confused

Please don’t refuse

My hand will help

To make this step

This step outside of your old side

This step beyond your nature life


Are you still my friend?

Even if I’m not

Why would not try

Change our life’s at all

That just a deal

And you must choose

Your native will

Don’t to push your friends away

And don’t forget your happiest day

Come on, be brave,

Cause you can make step

And go ahead

Ahead your life, ahead your dream

Ahead your past and memory

You feel confused

Please don’t refuse

My hand will help

To make this step

This step outside of your old side

This step beyond your nature life


We always were friends

And friends as well will be

This friendship will never die

And we’ll need to live

That just a deal

And you must choose

Your native will

I need your breath, I need your touch

And you need same, as well so much

Come on, be brave,

Cause you can make step

And go ahead

Ahead your life, ahead your dream

Ahead your past and memory

You feel confused

Please don’t refuse

My hand will help

To make this step

This step outside of your old side

This step beyond your open life

Publicēja: polty
Datums: 13.11.2007. - 23:21:26
Lasīts (reizes): 2563
Komentāri: 0
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